Reflecta |
Reflecta |
Descripción: Marca de proyectores |
Historia: The name reflecta has been an old and established brand name in the photo industry for many years. The company was founded in Nueremberg 1967 with the foto-film-production. In 1970 the company moved to Schwabach (close to Nueremberg) and the product program was continuously extended. The next milestone was the takeover of the Agfa-Gevaert production plant in Portugal in 1984. SLIDE PROJECTORS and the original CS compact slidemagazine and slidemounts system were added to the existing delivery program. A further removal followed in 1998 to Rottenburg a.N Germany (close to Stuttgart).
Today we are offering custom-made solutions for presentations and image processing for your specific purpose. As a result of the growing Digital Market the further extension of the present program was the inclusion of Slide- and Film SCANNERS and reflecta offers actually a range of 6 scanners and worldwide the only Magazine scanner DigitDia 4000 with Digital ICE.
A further popular product group are the SCREENS. We offer every screen from the low cost model till the high class and design screens to meet the customer requirements.
We supply - next to our balanced and innovative delivery program - also DIGITAL DATAPROJECTORS and PRESENTATION EQUIPMENT like Overhead Projectors, Projection Stands, Flip Charts and White Boards.