Topcom |
Descripción: Marca de productos de voz, datos y biometría |
Historia: Topcom is a market driven organisation in the VOICE, DATA & LIFECARE business, with main focus on the residential market. Most developments are realised in co-operation with internal and external developers, and production is subcontracted to several manufacturers all over the world, but mainly in Asia.
During the last years, Topcom focused its attention on the development of Cordless Voice products. Since the merge with Incom, we also focus our attention on Wireless Data products and the integration of both Data and Voice. Recently Topcom introduced an interesting product line in Lifecare products since we believe people are more and more concerned about their health.
Topcom is a Multinational organized company active in 2 continents, Europe and Asia. The holding is located in Belgium, where the central Finance, R&D, Marketing & Logistics departments are located. To cover the Scandinavian market, Topcom has subsidiaries in Denmark, Sweden & Norway. In Germany, we have an independent sales office to cover the mid European market. In Spain we recently opened a subsidiary to cover the Spanish and Portugese market. To cover the East European market, Topcom recently opened a subsidiary in Russia and Poland. Topcom Asia is located in Hong Kong with an inspection and engineering office in China.
Most of the other European countries are covered by official Topcom distributors or wholesalers, who take care of the countrywide distribution.
Avda. del Moncayo n°20-1°
28709 San Sebastián de lo Reyes (Madrid)
+34 916 543 738
+34 916 543 679